Paivatar (Finnish God of the Underworld, “Paiva” = days) has been coming to me lately. My teacher says it is because He has a new purpose for me- that of helping souls transition beyond this life. This morning while it was still mostly dark, Paivatar came and took me to the Forest of the Gods and bade me look out into the valley below. I could see a small camp set up, and began to understand a little more of what Paivatar desires of me. He led me into the camp, where different tents were set up for different purposes- some people learning to sew up clothes, some people watching a screen with instruction and video of how to make pottery as they stood at their wheels making vessels that people could use.
I was told to go to the center of the camp where many benches were lined up- there was almost a stage/podium type set up in the front of this area as part of the camp’s outer circle as well. It seemed I was alone, at least at this time, in being put on the benches in the middle of the camp – and there were not a huge number of people in the other tents learning other crafts, either…as if the camp is just beginning its purpose.
I was given a tablet (higher tech) upon which I saw ancient stones inscribed with runes and told this was part of the purpose Paivatar was coming to me to work with…I got the sense, at first, that I need to go and study any ancient rune inscriptions or writings that have been found and documented, the purpose of which is that these will be coming back due to the death of the age we are now coming out of.
Things started to make sense as to why Paivatar wants to work with me. He is here to help bring the death of the old age – an age of war and violence – so that the New Age of much higher consciousness and existence can be ushered in.
Upon the tablet the following stood out to me amongst all the runes upon it: Calc – Elhaz – Calc – Elhaz – Issa – Ior. It was as if much dying away is happening and/or needs to occur, but there is sanctuary in the midst of this. Then this cycle will stop and those that are left will be standing in protection of Earth energy as folks are once again connected to the Great Mother, returning to the Old Ways.
Paivatar also gave me a Calc token to wear around my neck, much like the priestess amulet I currently wear. This scared me at first, as this rune is associated with death, but He was rather amused by this as (best I can tell) He simply wants me to consider it part of my duty as a priestess to do the holy work, with the guidance of the Godanum and especially Paivatar, of transitioning people and the old age passing away into their proper places – Paivatar’s role and realm.
Hail, Paivatar! Thank you for these precious insights and guidance. May I do all I can to do as You instruct.
Louhi also came as I have had some discomfort in my right shoulder, sometimes neck as well. She pulled out a white line of material from my right shoulder that had a large musket-type ball attached to the end. She said She would take it from me, but that I would have to be OK with it changing me. She confirmed it is not something that should be there, though, so I agreed and She removed it. Now the shoulder feels quite relieved and much looser, although there is probably still some realigning to do.
Thank you, Louhi! I think this must have been some old program running in me that was causing blockages and physical disruption/contraction where there didn’t need to be.
I am so grateful to both Paivatar and Louhi for Their instruction, revelation, and aid. Hail the Godanum!