Seidr is the ancient form of meditative action from the North that opens us to the Higher Realms to receive the ancient wisdom of our Holy Gods and Goddesses.
It is traditional to orally repeat each meditative paradigm 9 times, while not stopping to consciously dissect its meaning. As we surrender to the content in these repetitions, a shift is felt and we become more aware of the threads of reality and can access higher minded, or noble, actions for the upward evolution of mankind and the planet.
Here is one of the numerous Seidr meditations:

Notes for Seidr 11
Spirit mound: like faerie hills
house: the family
horgr: outdoor temple
the fiery realm: a kenning for Africa, especially North Africa
of ewe and fat shoat: young female lamb and fattened young pig, respectively
the folk of robes: ancestors of Semites
notched stone soak: reference to offering stones, as in the rune Stan, being soaked with blood of a sacrifice; this is opposed to the Norse offering which would have traditionally been grains and fruits of the field because blood sacrifice is not demanded by our Gods and Goddesses as it is in some other cultures, as shown here
sword motion: sciamachy, using sword with air motions
“Thor loves best, as keeps the hill”: a play on Thor and tor, as tor means a stone circle on a hill