The first days of February, Pagans everywhere are making observances. Many paths call this Imbolc, but in our tradition it is The Charming of the Plow. It is at this time we ask the Godanum to bless our livelihoods to prosper in order that we are able to make the world a better place. We place implements of our livelihoods (such as a pen and notebook for a writer, a workbelt for a carpenter, a computer for a programmer, etc.), upon a table and simply ask the blessing of the Gods and Goddesses upon these implements that will enable personal prosperity which will then allow us to do good for others and contribute positively to the world around us. This is not a self-serving prayer for abundance, but one for the greater good. Historically, many of the folk were farmers or at least had to farm in order to feed their own families and support the community, therefore the blessing was originally "The Charming of the Plow".
This morning, I awoke to put on the sausage and potato soup in the crockpot for our kindred after the Charming of the Plow observances we are making together at my family’s home today. I tidied and cleaned up a bit from last night, then sat down to meditate, keeping the light off in the dark front room of the house which is our family room.
I began to connect to the Earth below me through the Bengstrom energy vortex installed by my mentor last fall when we were first settling in at our new home. I could sense the springs that flow directly beneath us all throughout the mountainous foothill area which our property sits upon. The rushing water was beautiful and pulled me right in, even speaking to me. I could sense and even see the canals which the water runs through deeper within the Earth here.
The water offered its energy to cycle up through our abode throughout the day to help with peaceful emotional states and smooth relationships (we have 3 boys so you can imagine how fiery things can get at times), then drain through the Bengstrom at the end of each day so our emotions are taken away deep into the earth with the waters’ energies and neutralized to then be reconstituted for new purposes.
I followed the water up to the spring source up the little mountain behind our house, slightly North of where I’m sitting in my room, but mostly East – the Sun rises over that mountain behind our home on the hillside. I immediately saw what I thought might be Vellamo, Goddess of Freshwaters. It felt like Her, and it certainly looked like it could be. However, when I asked the answer was ‘No.’ I talked to Vellamo, and She indicated that this is a place spirit connected to the particular spring up the mountain which runs directly under our home – She said it was an aspect of Her Divine Self particular to this location, but not She, the Goddess Herself. It was indicated this Being is very friendly and can help us work with the waters as they had offered for our family.
I began to focus on the rushing waters in the Earth directly under me. And they entered me as a surge of pure white, watery energy from bottom to top, flowing out my crown (konigsordr) into the Higher Realms, where I felt the pure strength of the waters’ energies – a strength I have not felt in some time within myself. From the cosmos, I was immediately looking at Asgard, Home of the Gods and Goddesses, from a distance. I felt now that Frigga was pulling me in.
I was brought to a particular street and staircases to climb within the city of Asgard, and I found Frig at the top of a stair leading to a very large stone building – much like our courthouses here in America, but without the Mediterranean style columns. I ascended the steps and greeted Frigga, then She ushered me into the foyer of the building. At the back wall, there were items on a low stone ledge – like a built in bench - extending from the wall. Frig selected a headdress and large piece of jewelry to put around my neck – I seemed to also be in a deep blue cloak with very large bell-shaped arms. The metal (and possibly set with semi-/precious stone) jewelry hung around my neck and shoulders in a scoop to my waistline.
This occurred on the right half of the interior of the building’s foyer, and I intuit that the left half is meant for males. Frig then ushered me into a large hall to the right that stepped down into the room with ceilings that were at least three stories high. The walls contained many books, and the room was filled with tables and ladies talking – the sound bounced throughout the room as a lovely din of female productivity. They were all happily socializing, but also working to learn and solve projects each individual woman had to deal with in Her life as assigned by the Fates – all had the sense of serving others in their families, communities, and/or the world, pursuing things that would make our world a better place. I was in quite overwhelm taking this all in, and it was but a brief moment.
Frigga then led me to Her large office, which could be reached by climbing the tall stairs at either the right or left end of the opposite side of the room which we had entered. There was also a long walkway with a solid wall behind it between these two flights of stairs overlooking the Great Room of ladies. On the lower level behind the stairs in the main room was an open area, leading to a wall of windows on the exterior wall of the great building.
I entered Frigga’s office from the left, noticing the tall walls filled with books covering the left and right end walls of the room. A wall of windows let in almost full daylight, extending up from the room that we had just left, as I faced the outer wall in the office.
In the center of the wall sat Frig’s large desk facing out towards the rest of the room, and down to the right was a very long table, like a conference room table, around which sat many children. She sat behind Her desk and told me, as I had already heard in my head when I was taking the stairs to reach Her office, “I am Mother-Concept. Not the body of the Earth Herself.”
I asked and She showed me how the Earth-Mother Goddesses were quite different from Herself, but contained the Higher Concept of Mothering – to which She holds the patterns of consciousness. She said Akka is Earth-Mother, like Pacha Mama in South America, and other Earth-Goddesses the world over (pun intended)…Akka is our spiritual embodiment of the sacred Physical-Mother-Earth, the Gnostic Sofia, consciousness which peoples globally worship and with Whom they interact. No less a Goddess than Frigga Herself, but quite unique individuals, different from one another, Who fulfill very different roles.
I seemed to gather that all the experience and information and constructs needed for carrying out the role of wife and mother were fashioned by this Great Goddess. Much as Odin is the God of order – the patterns and high wisdom from which physical reality extends, Frigga generates, creates, and stores these concepts having to do with female roles and responsibilities (such as caretaking, household management, teaching or raising young children). Those that deal with these things or carry these roles can ask Frigga for help. (Even a caretaker who is a male). This was quite a revelation!
She was showing and telling me, “You are not alone. Come to Me. When you feel inadequate I already have crossed that bridge and the information and experience you need to get through is already here for you – you just needed to know Who to ask…and that’s Me.” It was a big “Ah-HA” moment for me and really seemed to make sense.
I looked over at the children’s long table to the right – very fancy, to match Frigga’s formal office décor – and all the children were crafting, learning, writing, and chattering happily. My youngest sat on the long side with his back to the window wall amongst the others. My older ones, however, were standing up – much older than the rest – helping the children at the table with what they needed. They brought them books, papers, tape, and supplies as the children needed them to finish their crafts and assignments.
I felt like Frig was showing me that the older two have rounded a corner and are really quickly approaching much more adult-like states, phasing to helping the younger people by serving them and we older folks/parents by us not having to oversee them or the younger children so much any more due to their help.
I still felt my third child is very much a young boy and in need of nurturing and activities as such – the bright energy of younger children not yet as under control as the older boys as they were transitioning into helping the younger generations come up in preparation, hopefully, for their own roles as parents or mentors one day.
Frigga then started to push back at the consciousness in my head to send me back to the seat on my couch in my living room. It always feels like a push to my forehead when the Godanum do this to send me out of the meditative states or Their Higher Realms. I re-entered my body-consciousness fully and set out to record this very important encounter to the best of my ability to remember it all as I know Frigga has helped me to do.
Hail, Frig! Mother Goddess! Thank you for teaching me more of Who You are and how to approach You for handling Motherhood better, in a higher-minded way. I will endeavor to seek Your wisdom for this stage of life I’m in and approach my familial role with such. Thank you for teaching me the difference between You as “Mother-Concept” and Earth-Mother, differentiated as Goddesses all around the World by different peoples as the Earth Herself interacts with what unique peoples everywhere need.