4 o’clock in the afternoon, just finished helping with a serious and long remote healing session for a friend regarding some evil spiritual attacks that were greatly debilitating his physical body, causing great pain.
It was a bit of a rough day, waking up between 3-4 am, anxious, unable to empty my mind of a million thoughts and “what ifs” (not the good what ifs, either), after calling to the Holy Gods and Goddesses for help and asking Frey to bring His dream ship, I was able to fall back asleep until after daylight appeared.
The entire morning I was extremely anxious, and upon calling on my mentor for help, realized that along with my own responsibilities my stress was being magnified by all the riots, shootings, and general malaise in the state of the world globally. As a sensitive it is hard to shut the great consciousness-at-large out, and apparently this is what was causing the inability to function due to a rapid, anxious, and busy mind unable to just calm down and be present. My mentor helped me ground to the earth as well as connect to the higher realms and anchor the exchange of energies between the two within myself, which began to help almost immediately, taking just a short while. He also recommended I take Magnolia Bark, and I did- which also helped greatly to relax.
Upon finishing the remote healing session this afternoon, I was sitting in my office chair at my desk in front of the computer just trying to collect myself in the present space and time after being stretched far distances for nearly two hours. In front of me appeared a glowing stag with gigantic antlers and I knew it to be the Forest Father, the God Tapio.
He approached and beckoned me to greet him, so I put my forehead to meet His as He bent to touch mine. I got very teary-eyed and emotional, and He turned into humanoid form with His arms around me, hugging me as a beloved father or grandfather. I felt such real compassion and it was so very real. He says, “The forest knows. The forest cares,” letting me know that I can visit His forest when I am having days such as this, and will receive comfort and compassion.
I was thrust back into my physical body gently but swiftly, and knew I needed to record the experience as it is definitely one of the more profound experiences felt in every fiber of my being that I have had.
Hail, Tapio, Father of the Forest!
Thank the Godanum for Their compassion, for understanding that humans cannot always be strong in every way with the different duties, responsibilities, and stresses of life here in Middle Earth. Just knowing that compassion is real because I’ve experienced it firsthand makes all the difference moving forward.